Feb 2022 Pairs [Cat3]
- Event 1
- Event 2
- Event 3
- Event 4
9-6-3 Thrusters
Score is combined weight
Athletes choose a weight per rep/minute and have one attempt to hit the prescribed reps with their chosen weight
For Time
Thrusters @ 42.5/30kg
Pull Ups
2 Rounds
48 Calorie Row
24 HSPUs
12 Double DB Devils Press @ 22.5/15kg
(Score is Time)
Max Distance Handstand Walk
(Score is Distance)
30 Calorie Ski
20 Snatch @ 60/40kg
20 Cleans @
10 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Calorie Ski
10 Snatch @ 80/50kg
10 Clean
10 Bar Mucle Ups
30 Calorie Ski
5 Sntach @90/55kg
5 Clean
10 Bar Muscle Ups