Liability Waiver
CrossFit Colchester’s competitions are an extreme test of toughness, strength, stamina and mental agility. Activities may include but are not limited to: lifting heavy objects, gymnastics, running, jumping, pulling, throwing, and intense cardiovascular activities. I understand that participating in any aspect of this event is potentially hazardous and that I should not participate unless I am medically able and properly trained.
I acknowledge that the aforementioned competition carries with it inherent risks of injury. I am aware that there is significant risk involved in this competition. These risks include but are not limited to falls resulting in injury or death, injury or death resulting from improper use or failure of equipment, or injury or death due to negligence by me or my team members. I hereby understand that CrossFit Colchester Ltd accept no liability for claims resulting from an inherent risk of injury arising from the extreme nature of the event.
If I’m aware of or concerned that I have a medical condition which might interfere with participating safely, I should get advice from a relevant medical professional and follow that advice. I have disclosed and given details of all medical conditions/special medical conditions/needs relating to me on the form provided and have received appropriate guidance where applicable. I agree to notify any event staff, agents or volunteers if I feel unwell during the event. I have been provided with and I accept the rules and instructions and am aware of any notices. I agree to use the equipment provided by CrossFit Colchester Events Ltd for its intended use in a safe and responsible manner, I will obey the instructions of event judges, crew or representatives and all posted signs. I am participating in the event willingly and voluntarily and in consideration of the inherent risk of the event, I am hereby releasing CrossFit Colchester Ltd and their principals, agents, employees and volunteers from any and all liability or claims which are related to my participation in the event.
In recognizing the inherent risk involved in the types of activities undertaken at CrossFit Colchester Events Ltd, I accept full financial responsibility for any injury I may cause either to myself or to any other person due to my negligence or otherwise. If CrossFit Colchester Ltd incurs legal fees or any other costs in order to enforce this waiver I agree to reimburse them for all costs. I agree to indemnify CrossFit Colchester Ltd and their representatives from liability for the injury or death of any persons or damage to property resulting in my negligence.
I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the above parties to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, website images recordings or any other record of this event.
I understand that CrossFit Colchester Events Ltd accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to property or possessions before, during or after the event. By signing below, I agree that I have read and understood the risks and the provisions in this waiver of liability. I accept all of the information presented above.
I understand my purchase is final and non-refundable for any reason such as but not limited to injury, illness, work conflict, deployment, pregnancy, etc.